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effortless presence

        with magdalena janicka

    Big welcome on my web site. Conscious presence in body and in movement, in heart and mind,has been my passion for over 20 years, and I share it with others for over 10 years. 

   Born in Poland, I graduated as a biologist, and always felt a deep connection with Nature and the Universe. They were my first teachers and are still the most important.

  Last years, together with Colin P. Sisson  I co-founded Integrative Presence approach, while developing own style. Being always fascinated with exploring what drives us and our behaviours from deep unconscious, I conceived the idea of series of Meeting with Shadow advanced workshops, and together with Colin we co-created and co-led them during 2006-2016. 

I'many years student of Gabrielle's Roth 5Rhythms® -meditation in movement as well as other conscious body and movement work forms. Among others, I studied conscious and spiritual dimension of sexual energy at SkyDancing Tantra Institute in France. 

I'm also many years student and practitioner of conscious astrology - mainly Steven's Forrest Evolutionary Astrology approach, offering individual astrology readings for last several years. 

I translated into Polish and published Gabrielle's Roth "Sweat Your Prayers", a bestseller about movement as a spiritual practice. Here you can visit a web site of my Free Bird Publishing house. 

I'm an artist creating in my White Feather Productions studio.


At the moment I'm based in two countries, Poland and UK. I'm offering workshops inspiring to self discovery through power of conscious presence in body and in movement, and am offering individual sessions. 


Being present with our body, with what we do, feel and think is one of the the simplest and most powerful ways of connecting with our true nature. 

   © Copyright 2024  Magdalena Janicka       

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