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       About Magdalena

      Welcome on my web site on which I present my creative work about how practice of Being Present can shift your whole perspective of experiencing life and transform it into more expanded, awakened and connected to who you truly are. 

  Consciousness expansion and inner awakening has been my passion and practice for over 20 years. This deep inner journey,  led me to realize that the practice of being consciously Present in my body, with whatever I do and feel,  is for me the simplest and most powerful way to connect with my full potential.  

    I'm a big lover of Nature. I graduated as a biologist specialized in ornithology, since always feeling a deep connection with Earth, Nature, and Universe. They were my first spiritual teachers and are still my most important.

    I'm a trainer of Breath Integration of  Colin P. Sisson school. During 10 years of our cooperation with Colin, I became a contributor to founding Integrative Presence approach, which last years evolved out of Breath Integration.  Our creative work resulted in the creation of a number of trainings. One of them: “Meeting with Shadow” is led by us both since 2006.

   I have always felt that the body holds one of the main keys to inner awakening, and that it contains an ecstatic potential. 

      During many years explored it in different ways. Meeting with 5Rhythms practice - movement and dance meditation, was one of the biggest kicks on my path, where practice of Presence is marrying the movement, breath and the body itself.  Being its passionate student  in last 7 years I spent hundreds of hours practicing them, and working with the most experienced 5R. teachers, including Gabrielle Roth - the creator of 5R.​



     Another passion of mine is explorations of full potential of sexual energy and its spiritual dimension. Beside my own intense journey, s I participated amongst others in trainings at Skydancing Tantra Institut in France, worked with Diana Richardson, and with  Sexual Magic based on esoteric Qabala with Colin P. Sisson.  I  spent hundreds of hours of body work through holistic and tantric work.​​

    I offer my workshops in Poland and abroad.​ ​In my work, it is my deepest wish to inspire people to discovery of  power of Being Present , to encourage them to discover their own creative and ecstatic potential, their true free Nature, and to inspire others to the conscious co-existance with the Earth.

                                                               Wishing you joys of Present Moment



Meeting with Shadow


If we know it or not, we are creatures of darkness.

just look at the planet we inhabit, it is swirlling in the infinite ocean of dark materia.

our planet is like a light stop wiht its sun in the center.


Jet we fear our inner darkness.

We prefer to avoid it, do thing which distract us from feeling inner pain. Often most of what we fear is very unconscious, supressed. The paleolitic artefact of our past, stored in our bodies, and still ruling us from its hidden places.

It woudl seem that our inner darkness we feel is not easy to track and meet.

Though, actually, it si very easy. Because our psyche is giving us clues. Thorugh all we reject in our outer life, traits we reseint and compulsive patterns, or dissacited attitudes - track leadign us to traumas and wounds, supreesed in our body.






    The unknown is last thrill ride. Terry Iacuzzo


     Love is not the absence of fear. Love is not the absence of is the embracing of each aspect of life to transform it by integrating it within the whole. S.K.Williams


   © Magdalena Janicka



12-19.X.2013 Mazury

Trening Integracji Oddechem i Integrującej Obecności - poziom Practitioner

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26-29.X.2013 Kikowo k. Krakowa

MIŁOŚĆ & JA. Spotkanie z Cieniem.

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Krótki film o wizycie Colina P. Sissona, nauczyciela praktyki Obecności, autora bestsellerów,

w Lublinie wrzesień 2013:

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powiew inspiracji

Obecność w Związkach

Pierwsze kroki...

Gdy jesteś ze swoim partnerem/ką możesz utrzymywać śwaidomość swojego ciała oraz siebie, równocześnie będąc w świadomej relacji z nim/nią. W ten sposób nie skupiasz się juiż dłużej tylko i wuyłącznie na nim/niej opuszczając siebie, lecz jesteś w sobie obecna i becna z nim/nią.

robi to ogromną różnicę. sprawdź sama.




Jak bardzo jesteś obecna/a w sobie gdy rozmawiasz z swoim partnerem/ką?

Czy jesteś wtedy swoim ciele, czy też tylko w swojej głowie?

Jak bardzo sytuacja zewnętrzna pochłania Cię do tego stopnia, że tracisz kontakt z tym co czujesz?

 temat miesiąca

explorując obecność


Od czasu do czasu spoglądaj świadomie na niebo nad tobą, na chmury, słońce, księżyc, gwiaizdy... zauważ że one wszystkie istneiją w nisekończonej przestrzeni, która stale jest.Za kazdym razem gdy otwierasz sie na stan Istnienia ktory zawiera w sobie wszystkie Twoje emocje, lęki, napięcia, postawy, myśli, pojawia się w Tobie besłowna, bezmyślowa obecność z twym wewnętrznym niebem.



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