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One day workshop of being present in body and movement - Wroclaw, Poland - 23.04.2017
Colin P. Sisson - bestselling author and founder of Breath Integration, will visit Poland in 2017 during the summer. His transformative trainings and workshops will be take place in Wroclaw, Trójmiasto, Warsaw, Wrocław and other places. It is rare opportunity to work with incredible teacher of consciousness. More on www.colinsisson.com
I'm thrilled to announce that translated and published by me book of Gabrielle Roth "Sweat Your Prayers" is now out and available to read in Polish. More on Free Bird Publishing web site www.free-bird.org
One day workshop of being present in body and movement - Wroclaw, Poland - 23.04.2017
Wewnętrzne Mistrzostwo
Moc Bycia z prawdą Twojej chwili
Bezpłatny mini warsztat i grupowa sesja Integrującej Obecności na Zoomie
6.03.2022 godz. 19:00-21:30 CET
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Identyfikator spotkania: 810 3814 6370
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